There Is No Crying In Running, but There Is Crying In…

Hello! How’s your day? I’m having a good one but a little busy because I had a morning doctor’s appointment. This implied I had to cut my run a little short (boo). but it also implies I have new health insurance (yeah!) and a doctor that is a lot closer to my place so I can go all the time like the hypochondriac I am. I’d like to call it MobamaCare.

Luckily, many of the things that are wrong with me can only be fixed by Jesus Camiseta Aston Villa FC and a panel of psychologists so I was just seeing the doc to update some BC stuff.
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Since my new doc is so close I walked there <- people don’t walk in LA or Orange County. But, I’m trying to be green and all that hippie dippie stuff. After my appointment I walked to the store too! Boom! I grabbed some dark chocolate covered cashews from the bulk bins and some candied walnuts to put on top of my yogurt fruit bowl. Amazing. Check out my how to cut a Mango video if you just make a mess and practically chop your finger off many of the time. They are in season and very low-cost best now! Now let’s talk about this morning’s run and eat… There’s No Crying in Running Okay. Crying while running only makes it harder. It’s challenging to breathe…you’re losing extra hydration through tears… you look like a crazy… Don’t ask me how I know. But I am here to say you have full consent to cry while foam rolling. I mean, I don’t. but it’s alright if you want to be a lil sissy lala. I was laughing during this picture and then thought it was extra funny because it looks like I’m crying… Foam Rolling Facts: Foam Rolling is good for you. It can be compared to a ‘self-massage’ of your problem areas. but it hurts. That’s because these problem areas are typically sensitive ‘knots’ or myofascial adhesions… “Myofascial adhesions can develop through stress, training, overuse, underuse, movement imbalances and injuries. They are essentially points of constant tension and addressing them can have a positive effect on your workouts. Ignoring them can result in even more dysfunction and may perpetuate and/or cause injury.” – ACE Fitness With proper foam rolling you can try to work out your extra tight areas – and this can help you essential in on tightness and muscle imbalances, extra sore areas and help you avoid injuries. Check out this Foam Rolling basics from USA Triathlon for more. And breakfast was kind of gorgeous… I found some biscuits on very sale at the store and snapped them up. I love Camiseta Copa Mundial de Fútbol a good biscuit. Carbs for life.

I made a egg and cheese biscuit for breakfast and it was like heaven for 3 minutes. I eat fast.

Question: Biscuit or English Muffin or Bagel?

Do you foam roll?

When was the last time you went to the doctor?



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