7 summer Running Hacks to help YOU RUN your best

7 summer Running suggestions to help you run your best even in the heat and humidity.

Running in hot weather and in humid conditions makes running harder. It’s science. So I’m sharing 7 summer running hacks to help you run better, faster and stronger in these challenging times.

REMINDER – Running in extreme conditions like excessive heat, cold, at altitude – or really any situation that your body isn’t familiar with can be dangerous. Be smart and listen to your body. 

7 summer Running Hacks

Summer Running Hacks

If you’re training for a fall half Marathon or full Marathon your training plan probably calls for some high mileage during the hottest months of the year. So it’s essential to be smart and plan for these conditions to run strong. check out these summer running suggestions and let me know which ones you already do (and which ones you need to work on)!

Here are all 7 suggestions – I discuss how to do each one in the video and in the notes below. Some you might be a superstar with already – great! keep it up! If you’re not currently doing one though – make sure you work it into your regular summer running routine.

7 summer Running Tips:

Distance and pace Adjustment

Plan your Runs with the weather forecast

Create a Hydration Strategy

Run somewhere with shade (tree lined path)

Wear light colored, sweat-wicking running clothes

Use a sports sunscreen and apply it smart

Listen to your body and take notes in a Run Log

Instead of running for a certain number of miles at a certain pace – use effort an the guide for your runs in hot weather.

If you don’t have a heart rate monitor use an effort level scale to measure how challenging or easy a run ought to be (instead of using pace).

Check out this post on the how to use the effort level scale for Runners – to learn more.

It’s easy – but you have to do it! check the weather report. use that information as you plan your run week. schedule your hardest runs for the days with the best weather when possible.

Start each run well hydrated. Then, make sure you have a hydration technique for during your run.

Need a running water bottle, fuel belt or hydration backpack? need to figure out how to carry water or electrolytes on the run?? check out these posts:

3 ways to carry Water on a Run w/ Pros & Cons List

3 Hacks to get water while Running (that you don’t carry)


Run in the shade when possible. another option may be to run near the water. It’s typically cooler near the beach or a big body of water so if you live within driving distance – consider doing your long run there.

Check out my summer Running should Haves on Amazon here*

Dress in light sweating wicking gear that fits you well.

**See my Hack to avoid getting sunblock in Your Eyes on Instagram here [@RunEatRepeat]

Check in with your body before, during and after each run. note all the things that may have any impact on your running performance. These notes may change depending on the time of year. For example, in hot weather you may have much more chafing or want to note the color of your urine.

A Running Log is a tool that can help you run better, faster and stronger. use it! It’s your private journal so be comprehensive and honest. Then, review it periodically to learn what’s working and what you need to work on.

If you need a Running Log you can get my totally free printable Run Log & meal Planner here:

Running Log & meal Planner

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