Goals to help You Run better – pile on the MILES challenge Day 1

welcome to day 1 of the pile on the MILES Challenge! In case it’s your first time doing this run challenge here are the instructions to get started.

How to do the pile on the MILES Challenge

Join the challenge and you’ll get your Toolkit through email best away. (Complete the form at the bottom of this post to join.)

Print your challenge Toolkit – I suggest at least printing out the Calendar, goals Worksheet and Run Log. (The other pages are up to you.)

Write YOUR goal for this month on the calendar and put it somewhere you’ll see everyday. use the goals Worksheet to help you decide on a smart Goal.

Runner Photo-A-Day Challenge

This year there’s a fun Photo-A-Day challenge for November. It’s optional, but a good way to connect with others like you, inspire your followers, get much more followers and think of running as a fun, social activity again.

The photo-a-day prompts are on the calendar and posted on Instagram @RunEatRepeat. You can screenshot and share the post with your followers to invite them to join us. The much more the merrier!

Use hashtag #RunEatRepeat and label @RunEatRepeat for a chance to be featured!

Goals to help You Run Better

Now let’s talk RUNNING GOALS. The pile on the MILES challenge is open to ALL levels of runners, walkers and movers because YOU set a goal based on your current fitness. choose your goal based on where you are now and your big/long term goals.

Step 1: write down all your big / scary / long term / AUDACIOUS / WILDEST dreams / MOONSHOT GOALS

Step 2: choose ONE you want to work towards first. Make a list of all the things you need to do to for that goal. What are the smaller goals you need to accomplish on the way to your big goal? [These smaller goals may vary in difficulty, time required, resources, etc. write them all down.]

Pick a smaller goal, practice or task that will help you make progress towards your big goal. It ought to be something you can work on this month.

Step 3: Make your goal for this month a smart Goal. You ought to be able to say it in one or two sentences and it ought to be:

SMART goals for Runners:

S – Specific: include distance, time, pace, miles, days, effort, etc… anything that helps make it clear.

M – Measurable: how will you measure whether or not you’re on track? how will you tell if you accomplished it?

A – Attainable: Can you get this done in 30 days? Do you have everything you need to get it done? 

R – Relevant: This goal ought to be relevant to your big goal and help you relocation towards it long term.

T – Time sensitive: in this case your timeline is 30 days.

Once you know your goal for this month – write IT DOWN.

Write it everywhere. Or… you can just write it on the calendar, but I think seeing your goal everyday is helpful to stay on track.

Here are a list of examples of running goals to help inspire you. These are NOT suggestions for your goal, because I don’t know your current fitness/health or long term goals. If you need help with your goal feel totally free to DM me on Instagram @RunEatRepeat 

PILE on the MILES goals – examples:

Run 10 miles every week this month.

30 min run every Monday, Wednesday & Friday this month.

2 mile run every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday in November.

Run/Walk for 45 minutes 3 days a week this month.

Run 50 miles in November.

Run with a local running club 1x every week this month.

Stick to my half marathon training plan 100% this month.

Give 100% on all training plan speed workouts this month.

Walk 30 minutes everyday this month.

Run at least 30 minutes 4 days per week this month.

Walk 3 miles everyday after work this month.

Walk 30 miles in November.

Do all the runs on my marathon training plan this month.

Complete 1 speed run & 2 easy runs per week this month.

Again, these are just ideas to help you understand what running goals look and sound like. Take 10 minutes today or tomorrow and really think about YOUR big goals for running or fitness. Be truthful (and kind) with yourself about your current fitness and health. Then, use that information to help guide the goal you set for this challenge.

Go get em!!

How to join pile on the MILES

If you haven’t officially registered yet – fill out the form below. I’ll email you the toolkit to get started.




Sharing is caring!






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